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Follow this 6 step process to prepare your email account for the new GMail and Yahoo sender requirements

Don't let your emails slip into the spam folder.

The new sending requirements come into effect

February 1st, 2024.

Hi, I'm Susan Bradley, the founder of the Social Sales Girls.

In my Inner Circle Membership, we teach store owners like you how to grow their sales and be more profitable.

You know that our industry changes all the time. Because of this, we make sure our members get the training they need to avoid losing sales because they've missed a change or fallen behind.

The lesson you'll receive today is an example of the way we help our Inner Circle Members through the industry changes as they happen. I'm sharing it with you today because it's an important update for our entire community. Your sales could be affected negatively if you don't do this work. I don't want that to happen to you.